Pengaruh knowledge management practices terhadap organizational performance Hotel Bumi Sangkuriang Bandung
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The hotel industry provides a variety of services to its customers. Thus, it is important for hotel companies to maintain service standards in order to provide maximum service and satisfy consumers. In addition, keeping the company's operations optimal and developing its services on a regular basis also has an impact on the performance of the hotel company. This study aims to determine how the effect of the application of Knowledge Management Practices (KMP) in the operation of Hotel Bumi Sangkuriang on Organizational Performance (OP). This research is an explanatory because it tries to explain how the relationship between the independent variable KMP and the dependent variable OP. The sampling technique used convenience sampling with a total of 30 samples. The results showed a positive and significant relationship between KMP and OP with an R-Square value of 0.856.
Industri perhotelan memberikan berbagai jasa pelayanan kepada para konsumennya. Sehingga, penting bagi perusahaan hotel untuk menjaga standar pelayanannya agar dapat memberikan pelayanan yang maksimal dan memuaskan konsumennya. Selain itu, menjaga operasional perusahaan tetap optimal dan mengembangkan pelayanannya secara berkala juga berdampak terhadap performa perusahaan hotel tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh penerapan Knowledge Management Practices (KMP) dalam operasional Hotel Bumi Sangkuriang terhadap Organizational Performance (OP). Penelitian ini berjenis eksplanatori karena berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana hubungan antara variabel independent KMP dan variabel dependent OP. Teknik sampling menggunakan convenience sampling yang berjumlah 30 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan positif dan signifikan antara KMP dan OP dengan nilai R-Square sebesar 0,856.
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