Strategi Marketing dalam Usaha Meningkatkan Volume Transaksi Pelanggan dengan Menggunakan Mobile Fintech Application OVO

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Lusiana Dianingsih


This research aims to analyze the impact of product, price/cashback, promotion, and place to increase transaction volume. This research is quantitative by distributing questioner to 100 respondents who are using OVO application. Multiple linier regression is using by using t-test and f-test. The result of this research show that product, price/cashback, promotion, and place have a significant effect to purchase decision, with probability <0,05. Variable that have the greatest influence (dominant) of purchase intention is product.

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How to Cite
Dianingsih, L. (2020). Strategi Marketing dalam Usaha Meningkatkan Volume Transaksi Pelanggan dengan Menggunakan Mobile Fintech Application OVO. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Dan Kewirausahaan, 4(2), 01–05.