Representasi Ibu Millennial Melalui Semiotika Barthes (Studi Pada Akun Instagram @Tasyakamila)
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Various depictions of millennial mothers is increasingly varied with the existence of social media. The analog world’s value coloring the digital world in inevitable way. Debates over various points of view on the figure of a millennial mother are also buzzing on social media. How a mother represent her own figure is important to understand. Tasya Kamila as a millennial mother who uses social media as a platform of income is needed to explore further. Textually, Tasya Kamila's Instagram post is explained using Barthes semiotics to explore the representation of millennial mothers. The texts observed in this research were Tasya Kamila's Instagram posts from December 2022 to February 2023. Of the total 24 uploads, 9 uploads were taken as the sample studied. The representation of millennial mothers found on Tasya Kamila's social media is a depiction of taking care of her family, looking attractive, working using social media and being affective. The dominant values in the depiction of millennial mothers on Tasya Kamila's Instagram account are having an attractive appearance and being affective. This research has implications, namely that there are additional types of semiotic studies on the representation of millennial mothers on social media in communication science. There are various characteristics of millennial mothers through different types of uploads, namely personal and sponsored. Social media has become a means for millennial mothers to represent themselves which can be seen by users.
Ragam penggambaran ibu millennial semakin bervariasi dengan adanya media sosial. Pemikiran dunia analog yang mewarnai dunia digital memang tidak terelakkan. Perdebatan atas beragam sudut pandang atas sosok seorang ibu millennial pun ramai mewarnai media sosial. Bagaimana seorang ibu memberikan gambaran atas sosoknya menjadi penting untuk dipahami. Tasya Kamila sebagai seorang ibu millennial yang memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai sarana penghasilan menarik untuk digali lebih lanjut. Secara tekstual, unggahan Instagram post Tasya Kamila dianalisis menggunakan semitika Barthes untuk menggali nilai representasi ibu millennial. Teks yang diamati dalam penelitian ini ialah unggahan Instagram post Tasya Kamila periode Desember 2022 hingga Februari 2023. Dari total 24 unggahan, diambil 9 unggahan sebagai sampel yang diteliti. Representasi ibu millennial yang ditemukan dalam media sosial Tasya Kamila ialah adanya gambaran nilai mengurus keluarga, berpenampilan menarik, bekerja menggunakan media sosial dan bersifat afektif. Nilai dominan yang ada pada gambaran ibu millennial pada akun Instagram Tasya Kamila ialah berpenampilan menarik dan bersifat afektif. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi tambahan ragam representasi ibu millennial pada media sosial. Terdapat ragam karakteristik ibu millennial melalui jenis unggahan yang berbeda, yaitu pribadi dan bersponsor. Media sosial menjadi sebuah sarana untuk merepresentasikan diri oleh ibu millennial yang dapat dilihat oleh pengguna.
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This work is licensed under a Koneksi Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.References
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