Pengaruh user experience aplikasi Sayurbox terhadap repurchase intention (Moderasi: Kelompok usia)
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The online food distribution market through mobile applications is rapidly growing, especially in Indonesia. With this growth, consumer dissatisfaction with online food market applications has emerged from various perspectives, one of which is user experience. Generation Z is the most active age group in using online shopping applications. This study aims to create a PLS-SEM model to examine the influence of user experience on repurchase intention with age group as a moderating variable. This study uses data from 200 respondents who used the Sayurbox application at least once and resided in Jakarta collected from an online questionnaire. The results of this study indicate that product quality can positively influence repurchase intention, system quality can positively influence repurchase intention, price can positively influence repurchase intention, brand image cannot positively influence repurchase intention, age group can negatively moderate the relationship between system quality and repurchase intention, age group can positively moderate the relationship between price and repurchase intention, age group cannot negatively moderate the relationship between brand image and repurchase intention, and age group cannot negatively moderate the relationship between product quality and repurchase intention.
Pasar distribusi makanan secara online melalui aplikasi selular berkembang sangat pesat terutama di Indonesia. Seiring dengan perkembangan tersebut, muncul ketidakpuasan konsumen terhadap aplikasi pasar makanan online dari berbagai macam sudut pandang salah satunya user experience. Generasi Z merupakan kelompok usia yang paling aktif dalam menggunakan aplikasi untuk berbelanja secara online. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh user experience terhadap repurchase intention dengan kelompok usia sebagai variabel moderasi menggunakan model PLS-SEM. Penelitian ini menggunakan data kuesioner online sebanyak 200 responden yang menggunakan aplikasi Sayurbox minimal sekali dan berdomisili di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa product quality dapat memengaruhi repurchase intention secara positif, system quality dapat memengaruhi repurchase intention secara positif, price dapat memengaruhi repurchase intention secara positif, brand image tidak dapat memengaruhi repurchase intention secara positif, kelompok usia dapat memoderasi system quality terhadap repurchase intention secara negatif, kelompok usia dapat memoderasi price terhadap repurchase intention secara positif, kelompok usia tidak dapat memoderasi brand image terhadap repurchase intention secara negatif, dan kelompok usia tidak dapat memoderasi product quality terhadap repurchase intention secara negatif.
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