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Debora Wintriarsi
Nadia Nila Sari
Budi Suprapto


Sapuangin is an area in the Klaten region, Central Java. As an area around Mount Merapi National Park, Sapuangin is famous for its potential for rose plants, which can grow well in people's homes. Although roses can be marketed as flowering plants, seasonal and unpredictable events unfortunately mean this potential cannot be maximized. The Community Service Team from the Faculty of Techn biology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, and Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, were working together to assist the community by giving training on processing various products made from roses as well as counseling on effective marketing strategies. Furthermore, the Team observed a need for a better understanding of organizational dynamics and negotiation skills. The Role-Playing method was used to provide an understanding of the more professional management of the processed rose flower product business. Meanwhile the survey method was used to determine the input and level of residents' knowledge regarding the material provided. A number of residents were gathered and given their respective roles according to the sections often found in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). After understanding their roles, the Team provides scenarios and directs residents to interact and negotiate between units. The results that can be observed are that some residents still experience difficulties in carrying out professional interactions due to the high level of interpersonal relationships that exist between residents. From these results, the Team provided counseling regarding the importance of understanding roles in business organizations, as well as the basics of the negotiation process. Due to this Role Playing and Counseling activity, residents felt helped and increased their confidence in running a rose processing business for the wider community.


Sapuangin merupakan suatu kawasan di wilayah Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Sebagai kawasan di sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi, Sapuangin terkenal dengan potensi tanaman bunga mawar, yang dapat tumbuh subur di rumah warga. Meskipun bunga mawar dapat dipasarkan sebagai bunga tabur, namun peristiwa musiman dan tidak menentu membuat potensi tersebut tidak dapat dimaksimalkan. Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Fakultas Teknobiologi, Fakultas Teknik Industri, dan Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta bekerja sama untuk memberikan pendampingan berupa pelatihan pengolahan berbagai produk berbahan utama bunga mawar hingga penyuluhan strategi pemasaran yang efektif. Lebih lanjut, situasi yang berhasil diobservasi oleh Tim adalah kurangnya pemahaman mengenai dinamika organisasi serta kemampuan negosiasi. Metode Role Playing digunakan untuk memberi pemahaman pengelolaan bisnis produk olahan bunga mawar yang lebih professional. Sementara itu metode survei digunakan untuk mengetahui masukan dan tingkat pemahaman warga pada materi yang diberikan. Sejumlah warga dikumpulkan dan diberi peran masing-masing sesuai dengan bagian yang sering ditemui di dalam Usaha Mikro kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Setelah memahami perannya, Tim memberi skenario dan mengarahkan warga untuk melakukan interaksi dan negosiasi antar bagian. Hasil yang dapat diamati adalah sebagian warga masih mengalami kesulitan untuk melakukan interaksi secara professional, karena tingginya hubungan antar personal yang ada di antara warga. Dari hasil tersebut, Tim memberikan penyuluhan mengenai pentingnya memahami peran dalam organisasi bisnis, serta dasar-dasar proses negosiasi. Atas aktivitas Role Playing dan Penyuluhan ini warga merasa terbantu dan meningkatkan kepercayaan diri untuk menjalankan bisnis hasil olahan bunga mawar kepada masyarakat luas

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How to Cite
Wintriarsi, D., Nila Sari, N., & Suprapto, B. (2024). PROGRAM PENDAMPINGAN DINAMIKA ORGANISASI DAN NEGOSIASI BISNIS PRODUK OLAHAN MAWAR MASYARAKAT SAPUANGIN. Jurnal Bakti Masyarakat Indonesia, 7(1), 1–10.



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