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Ignatio Rika Haryono
Nawanto Agung Prastowo


Badminton is the most popular sport in Indonesia. Many children and adolescents engage in badminton at an early age. Sports injury in badminton is quite high. One of the risk factors of injury is posture abnormality. Posture abnormality is common in children and adolescent athletes. It can disturb musculoskeletal function, children's activities, and performance in sports. Early detection of posture abnormality is important to minimize the consequences and to give appropriate treatment. Early detection can be performed by a coach or assistant, sports teacher, or even parents. This activity was to train a coach and assistant in using a posture rating scale (PRS). Four participants attended the PRS usage training. Sixty-seven children and adolescent athletes were examined for their posture. Height and weight were measured according to the standard procedure. Body mass indexes were calculated with a standard formula. Posture was assessed using PRS with a maximal score of sixty-five. All activities were performed in a badminton club in Depok, West Java. The results showed all trainees passed the PRS usage training. The mean age of athletes was 10.1 years. The mean score of PRS was 59.7. Also, posture abnormality was quite a lot among adolescent badminton players. Scoliosis (34.3%), flat foot (34.3%), and lordosis (14.9%) were the most abnormalities found. PRS is quite an easy, beneficial, and convenient tool for posture examination in adolescent athletes



Bulutangkis adalah olahraga terpopuler di Indonesia. Banyak pemain mulai berlatih bulutangkis pada usia yang sangat muda. Prevalensi cedera olahraga pada bulutangkis cukup tinggi. Salah satu faktor risiko cedera adalah postur abnormal. Abnormalitas postur cukup banyak ditemukan pada atlet anak dan remaja. Abnormalitas postur dapat menimbulkan gangguan sistem muskuloskeletal sehingga dapat mengganggu aktivitas fisik dan kinerja olahraga. Deteksi dini merupakan tindakan penting untuk meminimalisir efek yang merugikan dan untuk memberikan terapi yang adekuat. Deteksi dini dapat dilakukan oleh pelatih/asisten, guru olahraga, bahkan orangtua. Kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk memberikan pelatihan singkat penggunaan posture rating scale (PRS) dan mengevaluasi postur atlet bulutangkis anak dan remaja. Empat orang mengikuti pelatihan penggunaan PRS. Enam puluh tujuh atlet remaja diperiksa postur nya menggunakan PRS. Tinggi dan berat badan diukur menggunakan metode standar. Indeks massa tubuh dihitung menggunakan rumus baku. postur dievaluasi menggunakan PRS dengan skor maksimal 65. Kegiatan dilakukan di sebuah klub bulutangkis di Depok, Jawa Barat. Sebanyak empat peserta pelatihan dinyatakan lulus. Hasil menunjukkan rerata usia atlet adalah 10.1 tahun, dan rerata skor PRS adalah 59.7. Kelainan postur cukup banyak ditemukan pada atlet bulutangkis anak dan remaja. Kelainan postur paling banyak ditemukan adalah skoliosis (34.3%), flat foot (34.3%), dan lordosis (14.9%). PRS adalah alat pemeriksaan yang cukup mudah, bermanfaat, dan nyaman bagi anak-anak dan remaja

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Author Biographies

Ignatio Rika Haryono, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta

Department of Physiology, Assistant Professor

Nawanto Agung Prastowo, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Department of Physiology, assistant professor


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