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Noor Edy Edy


In modern technology, vibration signal is to be utilized in predictive maintenance application,
more often when Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA) is invented. Unballance in rotor cause significant
deflection on rotated shaft and possible damage the machine. DSA is used in monitoring a condition of
big rotation machines such as turbin, compressor, pump and generator. This research used double rotors
shaft system which was supported with journal bearing as a modification from the real rotation machines.
Two of vibration characteristic as a sign of abnormal condition in rotation machine are unballance and
oil whirl phenomenon. Meanwhile, oil whirl is seen in many rotation machines that use journal bearing
as support its shaft. For rotation machine with high speed, oil whirl phenomenon can cause resonance in
the system, and then become the oil whip. Based on this condition that is very reasonable for making
early detection, identification, and looking for the solution to prevent not wanted incident.

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