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In the schematic of the electric motor repair procedure, it can be explained that the repair process can be divided into four handling parts, which include operations, quality control, mechanical and electrical. induction before and after repair. The data taken is the data of the 380V cage induction motor belonging to PLTU Indramayu. In the testing process both before and after the repair there are several measurements, namely: Insulation Resistance Test, Resistance Test, Winding Wave Test Running test. In the insulation resistance test, the results obtained are an average of 2000 M? or above 100 M? so that the stator after being repaired is in good condition, as well as the results of the resistance test, the result is that the deviation balance between the coils is not more than 5%. The results of the Surge test after the repair also showed that there was no noise and good, for the results of the motor rotation test, vibration and temperature, all of them were in accordance with the 2015 EASA AR100 standard. Inspection of the motor before repairing (electrical test before repairing) must be more thorough because the inspection become the basis for determining what process will be carried out next
Pada skema prosedur perbaikan motor listrik dapat dijelaskan bahwa proses perbaikan dapat di bagi menjadi empat bagian penanganan yaitu meliputi operasional, quality control, mechanical dan electrical Penelitian dilaksanakan di PT Mesindo Tekninesia departemen QC (Quality Control) yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan secara langsung tentang pengujian elektrik motor induksi sebelum perbaikan dan setelah perbaikan. Data yang diambil adalah data motor induksi sangkar 380V milik PLTU Indramayu. Dalam proses pengujian baik sebelum maupun sesudah perbaikan terdapat beberapa pengukuran yaitu:Tes Tahanan Isolasi,Tes Resistansi ,Tes Gelombang Belitan Running test. Pada pengujian insulation resistance hasil yang didapat rata-rata 2000 M? atau berada diatas 100 M? sehingga stator setelah diperbaiki dalam keadaan bagus, begitupun pada hasil resistance Test hasilnya yaitu balance deviasi antar coil tidak lebih dari 5%. Hasil Surge test setelah perbaikan pun menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada noise dan baik, untuk hasil dari pengujian putaran motor, getaran dan suhu semuanya sudah sesuai dengan standar EASA AR100 2015. Pemerikasaan motor sebelum diperbaiki (electrical test before repairing) harus lebih teliti lagi karena pemeriksaan tersebut menjadi dasar penentu untuk proses apa yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya
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This work is licensed under a TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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