Author Guidelines
The following are instructions for writing a paper in the TESLA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro, published by the electrical engineering study program, Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagra University. The authors are fully responsible for the contents of the written manuscript and the manuscript is an unpublished article [1]. The reference list is made sequentially starting from 1, 2, 3 and so on.

Title Written with Times New Roman Font 13pt (Max 12 Words: Indonesian, bold print)
Author1, Author2
1Study Program, Department, Faculty, Institution
2Study Programs, Departments, Faculties, Institutions, 2email2@ *(sign korensponding author)
The title must be clear, straightforward, brief and informative that represents the content of the article, a maximum of 12 words, font size 13pt, bold print and only the first letter of the word is capitalized.

The author's name is written clearly without a title. All of the author's e-mails are displayed, if the corresponding author is not the first author, then the * symbol can be added behind the correspondent author's e-mail.

Abstracts are written in 2 languages, namely English and Indonesian. The number of words in the abstract of each language is 200-250 words. The typeface uses Times New Romans with a size of 9pt. Abstracts are also written in left-aligned and right-aligned formats. This abstract consists of 3 parts, namely the background which is a description of the research or literature study as an introduction, the research process as an overview of what is being done, and a concise, concise and clear conclusion which is the most important part in the topic of the journal content discussion. The guidelines for writing the TESLA Electrical Engineering Journal can be changed and replaced by the contents of the writing with the contents of the work of the author but still following the existing format and regularity.

Keywords are written in 3-6 words/phrases which should be a subset of the title of the manuscript, sorted alphabetically and separated by commas between words/phrases.

The first letter in the first sentence in the introduction is used in capital letters (Drop Cap) by 2 lines of sentences. Writing in this journal as a whole is written using Times New Roman writing type of 11pt. Please pay attention to the systematics and provisions that apply in this journal properly before and after starting to make a journal.

The provisions on the number of chapters and topics presented by the researcher are not limited but are adjusted to the main content that the researcher wants to put forward in a systematic and structured manner. Generally, the composition of the chapters written consists of introduction, methodology, research results, research testing, conclusions.

Use good and correct Indonesian and do not use regional languages in writing this journal. Writing in a foreign language or English must be italicized to indicate the use of a foreign language.

The title is written in short, concise, and clear sentences. The title of the writing must reflect the content of the writing with a font size of 13pt, bold font and Times New Roman typeface. The maximum title is limited to a maximum of 14 words, this avoids the use of words that are too excessive.

The name is written without an academic degree or rank equipped with the address/research institution and correspondence in the form of email. The order of the names of the researchers/authors is to put the researchers/writers who have a bigger role first in the writing process in this journal. The second and third researchers/writers are placed in the next order. The maximum number of authors listed is 3 people, if more than 3 people can be written as a team of authors/represented. The writing format used to write the name

Researchers/authors with numbers “1 to 3” written using superscript format, Times New Roman writing type. The writing format of the institution concerned and the address of the agency are written in 9pt font with Times New Roman typeface.

Writing format for each paragraph by using an indent distance in the first sentence of each paragraph of 1 cm. The writing uses paper size ( 210 mm x 297 mm / A4 ) with one column that has a margin of 2 cm for the left side and 2 cm for the top side, and 2 cm for the bottom and 1 cm for the right side. Use a header of 1 cm and a footer of 1 cm from the upper and lower limits. The manuscript is written using a 1 column format. The number of pages between 10 to 13 pages.
The writing and editing process uses Microsoft Word software, so it is hoped that the author can use the same type of software. Sending the manuscript document file using the “.docx” extension. Using the same type of software will simplify and speed up the editing process. The review process by the reviewer will be sent back via email using the review system in Microsoft Word. This is to facilitate the review process which will be returned to the manuscript writer for correction. Information and questions can be addressed via email . The return of the manuscript that has been corrected by the researcher/author is at least 3 working days.

Placement of writing table titles and tables are placed using a left-aligned format. The use of borders for tables only uses horizontal lines. The width of the table is endeavored to reach the right and left limits (autofit to windows). A detailed explanation can be seen in Table 1 as an example.
Placement of images using the centered format and writing captions for images placed in the center alignment. For a detailed example, see Figure 1.
The meaning of the Tesla logo image which consists of the dominant color blue which reflects technology, security, and trust. The symbol of the letter T, which has an upward orbit, depicts the motto of the TESLA Journal, which is "Go ahead and keep improving to be the best".
Table 1. Arithmetic table
Symbols Arithmetic Results

? Tabel 1. Tabel aritmatika

Symbols                             Aritmatika                                                Hasil





Fungsi Penambahan








Fungsi Pengurangan

Fungsi Pengkalian

Fungsi Pembagian



Gambar 1. Logo TESLA


Writing numbers in mathematical formulations is written in decimal numbers by using commas as delimiters for real and decimal values. For example, writing a number is "0.55" instead of ".55". The use of the unit system is by using the International Systems of Units (SI). The writing of the units of the international system can be seen in Table 2. The units of the international system.
The equation number is written on the right side while the equation formula is written on the b equation function exemplified on the left. Writing an equation using the equation function exemplified in equation (1).

Area = Length x Width.......................................................... ..................................(1)


To refer to a reference, the punctuation mark “[ ]” is used at the end of each sentence, picture, formula equation that is referred to. For example: “The Tesla Journal Reference Writing Format [2]. "
The reference system used refers to the IEEE reference format. The following are some examples of reference writing formats [2], namely:
? Personal Communication
Personal communication includes private conversations, correspondence, e-mails, interviews, and others. In this case, it does not need to be quoted and listed in the reference list, but must be written in the sentence itself. For example :
“Based on a private conversation with Pak Didi, he suggested that writers register themselves in Tesla's email so that electronic media can be developed. "
? Books/Documents
The standard format used for several types of quoted documents is: “ [#]. First name initials.
Last Name, Title of Writing, Edition ## (if any), Volume ## (if any), City of Publisher: Name of Publisher, Year of Publication, Page Number (if you want to be more specific)”. However, there are some examples written for several categories as follows:
? Single Author
[#]. S.M. Hemmington, SoftScience. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Press, 1997.
? More than two authors
[#]. T.Jordan and P.A. Taylor, Hacktivism and Cyberwars: Rebels with a cause? . London : Routledge. 2004.
? Company writer
[#]. World Bank, Information and Communication Technologies: A World Bank group strategy.
Washington, DC : World Bank, 2002.
? Manuals
[#]. Bell Telephone Laboratory Technical Staff, Transmission System for Communication, Bell
Telephone Laboratories, 1995.
? Patents/Standards
[#]. K. Kimura and A. Lipeles, “Fuzzy Controller Component”, U.S. Patent 14,860,040, Dec
14, 1996.
? Thesis/D