Strategi Marketing Public Relations dalam Meningkatkan Okupansi Pengunjung Hotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya
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The development of tourist attractions is a factor in the tight competition in the hotel business in the city of Surabaya. The high number of tourist visits to the city of Surabaya encourages economic growth for the hotel industry. The high scope of hotel competition in the center of Surabaya City means that the Marketing Public Relations of the Grand Dafam Surabaya Hotel must develop a strategy to increase the existence of its hotel. This research aims to determine marketing public relations strategies in increasing visitor occupancy at the Grand Dafam Hotel Surabaya. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation and documentation directly with the Marketing Public Pelations Hotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya. Other secondary sources take information through journals, books, the official Grand Dafam Hotel website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, Tik-tok) and the Internet. The results of this research used Marketing Public Relations of the Grand Dafam HotelThree Ways Strategy, that isStrategy pull by utilizing various digital media to promote the hotel in the form of visual content or photos or videos to attract visitor interest.Strategy push to increase visitor occupancy by collaborating with OTA to encourage visitors by providing various discount offers and attractive hotel promotions, andStrategy pass by carrying out CSR activities to care for the community around the hotel area. From thirdstrategy Accordingly, Strategy Push is a strategy that is considered effective in increasing visitor occupancy at the Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya hotel.
Perkembangan tempat wisata menjadi faktor ketatnya persaingan bisnis perhotelan di Kota Surabaya. Tingginya kunjunganwisatawan ke Kota Surabaya mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi industri perhotelan. Tingginya lingkup kompetisi hotel dipusat Kota Surabaya membuat Marketing Public Relations Hotel Grand Dafam Surabaya harus menyusun strategi peningkataneksistensi hotelnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui strategi marketing public relations dalam meningkatkan okupansipengunjung Hotel Grand Dafam Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakanWawancara, Observasi, dan Dokumentasi langsung dengan pihak Marketing Public Pelations Hotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya. Sumber sekunder lainnya mengambil informasi melalui jurnal, buku, website resmi Hotel Grand Dafam, media sosial(Facebook, Instagram, Tik-tok) dan Internet. Hasil penelitian ini Marketing Public Relations Hotel Grand Dafam menggunakan Three Ways Strategy, yaitu Strategy pull dengan memanfaatkan berbagai media digital untuk mempromosikan hotel dalam bentukkonten atau foto atau video visual untuk menarik minat pengunjung. Strategy push untuk meningkatkan okupansi pengunjung dengan cara bekerja sama dengan OTA untuk mendorong pengunjung dengan memberikan berbagai tawaran diskon dan promo-promo menarik hotel, dan Strategy pass dengan melakukan kegiatan CSR untuk kepedulian terhadap masyarakat sekitar wilayahhotel. Dari ketiga strategy tersebut, Strategy push adalah strategy yang dinilai efektif dalam meningkatkan okupansi pengunjunghotel Grand Dafam Signature Surabaya.
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This work is licensed under a Prologia Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.References
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