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Maria Angelique
Sheren Tansy
Sharleen Febiola
Ninawati Ninawati


The work model has changed from Work From Office (WFO) to Work From Home (WFH) as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Different work model possibilities have an impact on how one completes their task and produces work balance. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the relationship between various work arrangements (WFO, a hybrid, or WFH) and workers' psychological well-being. Psychological well-being can be formed through organizational culture where the stronger the positive organizational culture, the higher the psychological well-being of its employees. Apart from culture, psychological well-being can be formed from a person’s frequency of being grateful and the more a person is grateful for his life, the more satisfied the individual will with his life (Sari & Monalisa, 2021).The subjects of this study are employees between the ages of 19 and 26  (Gen Z) who had been employed for at least a year in the field of human resources. The selection of subjects was carried out using of purposive technique. The Employee Well-Being Scale (EWBS) which consists of three dimensions. The Kruskal Wallis was used to analyze the data.

Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan adanya perubahan sistem kerja, yang semula bekerja di kantor (work from office) menjadi bekerja di rumah (work from home). Opsi sistem kerja yang berbeda berpengaruh terhadap cara seseorang menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dan berakibat pada keseimbangan kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara sistem kerja (work from office, hybrid, work from home) dan psychological well-being karyawan. Psychological well-being dapat terbentuk melalui budaya organisasi di mana semakin kuat budaya organisasi secara positif maka psychological well-being karyawannya akan semakin tinggi. Selain budaya, psychological well-being dapat terbentuk dari frekuensi seseorang dalam bersyukur dan semakin seseorang bersyukur atas kehidupannya maka individu akan semakin merasa puas akan kehidupannya (Sari & Monalisa, 2021). Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah karyawan yang berusia 19 sampai 26 tahun (Gen Z) dan bekerja di bidang human resources (sumber daya manusia) selama minimal satu tahun. Pemilihan subjek dilakukan dengan teknik purposif. Penelitian  menggunakan alat ukur Employee Well-Being Scale (EWBS) yang terdiri dari tiga dimensi. Data dianalisis menggunakan Kruskal Wallis.

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