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Dinda Fikriyah
Liza Yudhita Widyastuti


Today, the subject of communication often occurs in various elements of the human generation. In practice, communication often creates a conflict due to the failure of the perception of each generation that has a different background, culture, and mindset. Generational groupings often result in sharp age gaps ranging from lifestyle, perception gaps, behavior gaps, experiences, and of course communication gaps. This generation gap is prone to conflict. Inappropriate handling of inequality will result in conflict. This sharp conflict between generations will have a destructive impact on output. The sample and population of this study were taken from 20 people from 2 different generations, namely Generation Y and Generation X. This research took place at the BPJamsostek Jakarta Salemba Branch Office. The solution that can be proposed for this problem is to implement Communication Accommodation. The application of this method of communication is considered to be able to maximize communication between generations. This Communication Accommodation can be applied where a person will adjust the style and speed of speech depending on who the other person is talking to. The result of this application is that there is an equalization of perceptions in accordance with the objectives, reducing the potential for miscommunication, and as a preventive measure for behavioral gaps. However, there are several things that need to be considered, even if someone adjusts his speaking style to the other person, don't over-accommodate, which is excessive in responding to the other person. This usually happens because of stereotypes in each generation.

Dewasa ini, perihal komunikasi acap kali terjadi di berbagai elemen generasi manusia. Dalam praktiknya, komunikasi sering menciptakan sebuah konflik dikarenakan gagalnya penyamaan persepsi dari setiap generasi yang memiliki latar belakang, budaya, serta pola pikir yang berbeda. Pengelompokkan generasi sering terjadi kesenjangan usia yang begitu tajam mulai dari lifestyle, kesenjangan persepsi, kesenjangan perilaku, pengalaman, dan tentunya kesenjangan komunikasi. Gap generasi ini rawan akan terjadinya konflik. Penanganan kesenjangan yang kurang bijak akan berdampak konflik. Konflik yang tajam antar generasi ini akan berdampak pada output yang bersifat destruktif. Penelitian ini bertempat di Kantor Cabang BPJamsostek Jakarta Salemba. Solusi yang dapat diusulkan untuk permasalahan ini berupa mengimplementasikan Communication Accommodation. Penerapan cara berkomunikasi ini dinilai dapat memaksimalkan komunikasi antar generasi. Communication Accommodation ini bisa diterapkan dimana seseorang akan menyesuaikan gaya dan kecepatan bicara tergantung pada siapa lawan bicaranya. Hasil dari penerapan ini adanya penyamaan persepsi sesuai dengan tujuan, mengurangi potensi miscommunication, serta sebagai tindakan preventif kesenjangan perilaku. Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, meski seseorang menyesuaikan gaya bicara terhadap lawan bicaranya jangan sampai over accommodation, yakni berlebihan dalam menanggapi lawan bicara. Hal ini kerap terjadi lantaran adanya stereotype di setiap generasi.

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