Orientasi Kewirausahaan, Manajemen Pengetahuan terhadap Kinerja Inovasi Produk Dimediasi oleh Inovasi Terbuka
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UMKM play a key role in the Indonesian economy by creating jobs, contributing income, and strengthening competitiveness in Indonesia. West Jakarta is one of the central business and economic areas that has great potential for UMKM growth, especially in the culinary sector. Therefore, this research aims to determine the influence of knowledge management and entrepreneurial orientation on product innovation performance in culinary UMKM in West Jakarta. This research examines and analyzes the influence of knowledge management and entrepreneurial orientation on product innovation performance mediated by open innovation in West Jakarta culinary UMKM. This research used a quantitative descriptive method, data collection used a cross sectional method, the sampling technique used a non-probability technique with purposive sampling. The sample criteria set in this research are Culinary UMKM owners located in West Jakarta. The number of samples was 129 culinary UMKM. This research used PLS-SEM as an analytical tool to process data. The hypothesis result is that knowledge management and entrepreneurial orientation have a significant influence on product innovation performance in UMKM in West Jakarta. The mediation results in this research are that open innovation mediates a significant influence between Knowledge Management and Product Innovation Performance on
UMKM in West Jakarta and open innovation mediates a significant influence between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Product Innovation Performance on UMKM in West Jakarta. Open Innovation partially mediates Entrepreneurial Orientation and Product Innovation Performance.
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