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Sumantri Hatmoko Hatmoko
Kussigit Santosa Santosa
Giarno Giarno Giarno
Dedy Haryanto Haryanto
Mulya Juarsa Juarsa
M Hadi Kusuma
Anhar Riza Antariksawan
Surip Widodo Widodo


In the activities of the Pratama Insinas, Ministry of Higher Education technology research in 2018, PTKRN BATAN built a testing facility that simulates a passive cooling system on the reactor core when there is a loss of outside power. The test facility is the Passive-02 System Simulation Facility (FASSIP02).In FASSIP-02 there are several parameters that need to be measured, one of which is temperature. In the measurement of temperature using a K type Thermocouple Connected to the National Instrument 9178 and 9213 modules that use computer programming with LabVIEW software. Temperature measurements need to be characterized.
Characterization of type K thermocouples was carried out using thermobaths, 30 type K thermocouples, standard thermocouples,National Instrument modules 9178 and 9213 with computer programming displays using LabVIEW software. The method used for characterization oftype K thermocouples is a fixed temperature comparison method where the results of the temperature control of thermobath is 30-90 ?C compared with the results of measurements from the type Kthermocouple and standard thermocouple. From the difference of the copper-wrapped junction tip thermocouple without the copper-wrapped and standard thermocouple produces a small error value, so the use of copper as a thermocouple junction end wrapper can be used as a temperature measurement FASSIP-02.

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