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Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi di masa pemulihan pasca pandemik maka situasi tersebut masih berdampak pada fluktuasi kinerja bisnis di sejumlah usaha diantaranya sektor perdagangan peralatan olahraga dan hobi. Secara umum terjadi trend aktivitas olahraga dan hobi di kalangan masyarakat sehingga komoditas usaha ini cenderung dibutuhkan masyarakat. Dalam situasi tersebut seharusnya tidak terlalu berdampak pada kinerja penjualan. Namun secara realitas pemilik toko menghadapi kendala mempertahankan target penjualan sehingga salah satu aspek yang perlu diteliti adalah menekankan perspektif orientasi kewirausahaan seperti inovasi, keproaktifan dan pengambilan risiko. Implementasi dimensi tersebut menjadi penting dipahami oleh pemilik toko. Hal ini dikarenakan berkaitan dengan strategi menarik permintaan pasar agar relevan dengan pencapaian kinerja usaha. Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui pengaruh dimensi orientasi kewirausahaan pada kinerja usaha toko olahraga dan hobi di Jakarta. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner disebarkan kepada pemilik toko peralatan olahraga dan hobi di Jakarta Barat, Utara dan Pusat. Teknik pemilihan sampel menggunakan non-probability random sampling dengan mempertimbangkan teknik clustering untuk memastikan jumlah di ketiga lokasi. Terkumpul 140 responden dengan setiap cluster berkisar 54-60 responden. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persamaan struktural dengan software Smart-PLS sebagai pengolahan data. Dihasilkan nilai loading factor dan composite reliability di atas 0.70 sehingga seluruh indikator dinyatakan valid dan juga reliabel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan inovasi dan keproaktifan berpengaruh signifikan pada tingkat 5 persen, sebaliknya pengambilan risiko tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja usaha. Disimpulkan bahwa dimensi inovasi dan keproaktifan sudah dipertimbangkan oleh pemilik toko namun masih perlu memperhatikan pengambilan risiko untuk memperkokoh orientasi kewirausahaan agar terbentuk keunggulan bisnis berkelanjutan di masa mendatang.
In line with economic growth during the post-pandemic recovery period, this situation still has an impact on fluctuations in business performance in a number of businesses including the sports equipment trading sector and hobbies. In general, there is a trend in sports activities and hobbies among the community so that these business commodities tend to be needed by the community. In those situations it shouldn't impact sales performance too much. However, in reality, shop owners face obstacles in maintaining sales targets, so one aspect that needs to be examined is emphasizing an entrepreneurial orientation perspective such as innovation, proactiveness and risk taking. Implementation of these dimensions is important to understand by store owners. This is because it relates to the strategy of attracting market demand so it is relevant to achieving business performance. The goal of the study wants to determine the effect of the dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation on the business performance of sports and hobby shops in Jakarta. The research design uses a descriptive and quantitative approach. Data collection techniques using questionnaires were distributed to owners of sports equipment and hobby shops in West, North and Central Jakarta. The sample selection technique uses non-probability random sampling by considering the clustering technique to ensure the number in the three locations. Collected 140 respondents with each cluster ranging from 54-60 respondents. The data analysis technique uses structural equations with Smart-PLS software as data processing. The resulting loading factor and composite reliability values are above 0.70 so that all indicators are declared valid and also reliable. The result of analysis shows that innovation and proactiveness have a significant effect at the 5 percent level, while risk taking is not significant on business performance. It is concluded that the dimensions of innovation and proactivity have been considered by shop owners but still need to pay attention to taking risks to strengthen entrepreneurial orientation in order to form sustainable business advantages in the future.
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This work is licensed under a Jurnal Muara Ilmu Ekonomi dan Bisnis Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.References
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