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Fadly Suterisno
Ningky Sasanti Munir


Shared Services Center (SSC) adalah paradigma baru perusahaan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam kegiatan pendukung bisnis. Studi menunjukkan perusahaan dengan SSC dapat mengurangi biaya hingga 30% (Richter & Brühl, 2019). Pertamina terus bertransformasi untuk mewujudkan visi menjadi perusahaan energi kelas dunia, dengan misi “Aggressive in Upstream, Profitable in Downstream”. Pertamina berinisiatif membentuk organisasi SSC sejak awal tahun 2018, yang diharapkan menjadi driver untuk mengelola kegiatan pendukung bisnis yang bersifat rutin, repetitif dan bervolume tinggi di seratus lebih anak perusahaan dan afiliasi dalam Pertamina grup. Saat ini, semua tipe pekerjaan, baik yang bersifat strategis, taktikal maupun transaksional dilakukan masing-masing entitas, sehingga banyak potensi inefisiensi dalam proses bisnisnya. Melalui SSC, semua kebutuhan bisnis yang berkaitan dengan Finance, IT, Human Capital, Asset Management serta Procurement, akan dipenuhi terlebih dahulu oleh SSC dan diberlakukan chargeback. Permasalahan strategis perusahaan yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana business parenting opportunities serta critical success factors dari subholding C&T dengan implementasi Pertamina Multi Tower SSC? serta kesesuaiannya dengan karakteristik SSC sendiri. Apa strategi yang sesuai untuk diimplementasikan SSC dalam rangka mendukung visi pertamina menjadi world class energy company? Dengan pendekatan studi kualitatif, semua faktor sukses kritis dari anak perusahaan terkait penunjang bisnis dapat dipenuhi oleh karakteristik SSC. SSC menjadi salah satu solusi bagi anak usaha dalam mengelola fungsi supporting.


Shared Services Center (SSC) is a new paradigm for companies to improve efficiency and effectiveness in business support activities. Studies show companies with SSC can reduce costs by up to 30% (Richter & Brühl, 2019). Pertamina continues to transform to realize its vision of becoming a world-class energy company, with the mission of "Aggressive in Upstream, Profitable in Downstream". Pertamina has taken the initiative by forming SSC organization since early 2018, which is expected to become a driver for managing routine, repetitive and high-volume business support activities in more than one hundred subsidiaries and affiliates in the Pertamina group. Currently, all types of work, whether strategic, tactical or transactional, are carried out by each entity, resulting in many potential inefficiencies in business processes. Through SSC, all business needs related to Finance, IT, Human Capital, Asset Management and Procurement, will be met first by SSC and a chargeback will be applied. The company's strategic issues that are the aims of this research are how are business parenting opportunities and critical success factors from subholding C&T with the implementation of Pertamina Multi Tower SSC? As well as its compatibility with the characteristics of the SSC itself. What is the appropriate strategy for SSC to implement in order to support Pertamina's vision of becoming a world class energy company? With a qualitative study approach,all the critical success factors of the subsidiaries related to business support can be fulfilled by SSC characteristics. SSC is one of the solutions for subsidiaries in managing supporting functions.


Article Details

Author Biography

Fadly Suterisno, PPM School of Management

Student at PPM School of Management;

Senior Analyst at Pertamina


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