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Viona Clarissa
Eddy Supriyatna Marizar


Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world and has a wealth of marine biota; the results of this marine biota are often used by the community as a resource. However, there are still many people who do it the wrong way, one of which is by carrying out illegal activities that should not be carried out, one of which is by catching fish using explosives, which can damage the marine ecosystem. This might happen because of the lack of public education about the richness of marine life. Therefore, a public aquarium was established, which aims to be a means of recreation and education for the community. However, seeing that the atmosphere of the Jakarta Aquarium does not support education, a redesign was carried out by paying attention to interior elements, circulation, aesthetics, and room acoustics. An interesting way to educate the public about recreational areas is to apply interactive technology to make it more interesting and not boring for visitors. This design uses the design method pioneered by Rosemary Kilmer and W. Otie Kilmer, which consists of 8 processes: commit, state, collect, analyze, ideate, choose, implement, and evaluate. It is hoped that the application of interactive technology to the interior of the Jakarta Aquarium can create an atmosphere and visuals that can provide a memorable experience for visitors so that the main goal of educating the public about the importance of preserving marine life can be properly conveyed.

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