Isi Artikel Utama

Monika Romauli Manurung
R. Rahaditya


The idea of noodweer is that the act is executed on the idea of the usage of the proper and
right pressure in order that there's no other dif erent choice, which may be used apart
from committing an act that violates the regulation. The act ought to meet important
points, namely: there became a right away assault wherein at once threatened and in
opposition to the regulation. The assault intentionally geared toward the body, politeness
and possessions belongs to himself or others. So far, withinside the case of crook acts of
persecution in particular, the utility of the precept of pressured protection is regularly
now no longer according with the concept in essence. In addition, the pressured
protection is likewise substantially stimulated with the aid of using the continued
production of the case, how the proof is presented, and the way they of ers felony
considerations withinside the absence of maximal proof, it's miles clean that the choose
additionally did now no longer behavior a seek associated with the that means of the
essence of a pressured protection. The technique in this case is descriptive. This studies
became performed thru regulation normative approach, with the aid of using analyzing
the legal guidelines and all informations that is associated with this example.

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Diakses pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2021.