KEBEBASAN AKADEMIK DAN OTONOMI KEILMUAN DALAM SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN DEMOKRASI PANCASILA (Studi Kasus Webinar Constitutional Law Society Fakultas Hukum Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta)

Main Article Content

Delpedro Marhaen Rismansyah
Tundjung Herning Sitabuana


Academic freedom and scientific autonomy are rights held by students and professors, but
academic freedom and scientific autonomy often experience problems such as those in the
webinar Case Study, "Academic Freedom and Scientific Autonomy in the Pancasila
Democratic Government System (the Constitutional Law Sociétional webinar Case Study."The
Faculty of Law of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta)". Is the webinar on "The Problem of
Presidential Dismissal in the midst of Pandemic Review of the State System" at Gadjah Mada
University Yogyakarta justified to be held in Indonesia that practices the Pancasila
democratic government system? Research results showed that the "Problem of Presidential
Dismissal in the midst of Pandemic Review of the State System" at Gadjah Mada University
Yogyakarta was legally justified to be held in Indonesia which practiced Pancasila's
democratic government system, as it did not conflict with Article 28 of 1945 and regulations.
legislation on academic freedom and scientific autonomy. The actions of some unknown
individuals who terrorized the webinar organizers were against the law, contrary to
Pancasila's democracy and violated human rights to free speech, opinion, and gatherings and
to violate the academic freedom and autonomy of science stipulated in the 1945 Constitution
and the laws of law.

Article Details



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