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Ishak Ramli


The increase in business in the property sector, which each year does not have a significant impact, is suitable for
observing the capital structure. The property sector is also considered to have a significant influence on the
economic crisis. This study is intended to prove the effect of profitability, company size, liquidity, sales growth, nondebt tax shield, asset structure, optimal leverage and speed adjustment factors on capital structure. By using the
financial statements of property companies for the years 2015-2018. Profitability data, company size, liquidity, sales
growth, non-debt tax shield, and asset structure were analyzed using multiple regression to test their effect on
capital structure, and optimal leverage and speed of adjustment data were analyzed using the Generalized Moment
Method (GMM) to test. achieving optimal capital structure and speed of achieving optimal capital structure. The
results found that firm size, liquidity, non-debt tax shield and speed of adjustment had a significant positive effect on
capital structure, asset structure and optimal leverage had a significant negative effect on capital structure, while
profitability and sales growth did not significantly affect capital structure.

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