PERAN FUNGSIONAL RUANG KOMUNAL DI ATRIUM SHOPPING MALL Studi Kasus Pusat Perbelanjaan PIM 1 di Kebayoran, Jakarta Selatan

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J. M. Joko Priyono Santoso


Changes in the function of the Atrium that originated born from Domus was entered became the part important things in the Shopping Mall. The position chang was replace his role from wich communal space became to public space. The functional role of communal space became very complex in architecture. Pondok Indah Mall as a case study has continously atrium form which Linear Z form. His atrium communals space can be divided to five section .That diversity role can be seen from that functional communal space aspect or from architecture aspect. This functional role of communal space can be started read from his position at the centered or at the edge from shopping Mall, because of that posistion will be produce fariant form, some time as trapesium form, square form, trianggle form or others. From the form and position space can be produce caracter of activity and properties, interaction dencity of role and interaction of crowded. The next finding is rolle of carracter space of architecture that is to continues, to spread out, and to collect, mean wile his relationship to some space as magnit is frequecys form. Mean wile the relation with many tenant tenant is to built personal space, helping orientation, to create imagination otherwise if that atrium space completely with vertical transportasion.

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