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An Art Market is a place where producers and consumers meet to transact art. In the context of tourism, an art market combines attractions, facilities and accommodation and acts as a place to market art through demonstrations, sales, exhibitions and performances. One of the Art Markets in Jakarta is Ancol Art Market, located in North Jakarta. However, Ancol Art Market faces significant challenges due to globalization and changing times, causing a decline in the number of visitors and active artists. This study uses a quantitative method in the form of a g-form survey aimed at the general public to find out what their interests and desires are for the arts. In addition, interviews were conducted with several experts such as artists and craftsmen in the research object area to gain insight into the context of the Ancol Art Market. This research is also supported by a case study method regarding Ancol Art Market in Indonesia, criteria collection based on placemaking theory, and qualitative research as an architectural approach. It was found that Ancol Art Market has the potential to become a re-active art district that reflects the fusion of contemporary art and open space. The buildings in this art district are designed with an open concept, providing flexible galleries, open spaces, and artist residency programs. With a design that integrates functional and aesthetic elements, as well as interactive spaces that encourage public participation, Ancol Art Market will be an art district that celebrates the creation and appreciation of art.
Keywords: public outdoor space; ancol art market; placemaking; urban tourism
Pasar Seni adalah tempat di mana produsen dan konsumen bertemu untuk bertransaksi hasil karya seni. Dalam konteks pariwisata, pasar seni menggabungkan atraksi, fasilitas, dan akomodasi serta berperan sebagai tempat pemasaran seni melalui peragaan, penjualan, pameran, dan pertunjukan. Salah satu Pasar Seni yang terdapat di Jakarta adalah Pasar Seni Ancol, yang terletak di Jakarta Utara. Namun, Pasar Seni Ancol menghadapi tantangan signifikan akibat globalisasi dan perubahan zaman, menyebabkan penurunan jumlah pengunjung dan seniman yang aktif. Studi ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dalam bentuk survey g-form yang ditujukan kepada masyarakat umum untuk mengetahui apa minat dan keinginannya terhadap kesenian. Selain itu, dilakukan wawancara terhadap beberapa ahli seperti seniman dan pengrajin di kawasan objek penelitian untuk menambah wawasan mengenai konteks Pasar Seni Ancol. Penelitian ini juga didukung dengan metode studi kasus mengenai Pasar Seni Ancol di Indonesia, pengumpulan kriteria berdasarkan teori placemaking, dan penelitian kualitatif sebagai pendekatan arsitektur. Ditemukan bahwa Pasar Seni Ancol memiliki potensi menjadi kawasan yang aktif kembali dalam kegiatan seni yang mencerminkan perpaduan seni kontemporer dan ruang terbuka. Bangunan di distrik seni ini dirancang dengan konsep terbuka, menyediakan galeri fleksibel, ruang terbuka, dan program residensi seniman. Dengan desain yang mengintegrasikan elemen fungsional dan estetika, serta ruang interaktif yang mendorong partisipasi publik, Pasar Seni Ancol akan menjadi distrik seni yang merayakan kreasi dan apresiasi seni.
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This work is licensed under a Jurnal Sains, Teknologi, Urban, Perancangan, Arsitektur/ STUPA Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International LicenseReferences
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