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Anggela Anggela
Merry Susanti


This research aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of banking risk
(RAR), bank deposits (DAR), profitability (ROA), asset quality (AQR), liquidity, and
bank size (SIZE) on the capital adequacy ratio (CAR), using 20 conventional banking
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2020 with purposive
sampling method. The data in this research were processed using software Eviews
v12.0. The results of research that have been conducted regarding the partial
significance test show that RAR, DAR, and ROA have a significant effect on the CAR,
while AQR, LAR, and SIZE have no significant effect on the CAR. Simultaneously in this
research RAR, DAR, ROA, AQR, LAR, and SIZE have a significant effect on the CAR.

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