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This research was conducted aims to obtain empirical evidence about firm size, inventory
turnover, working capital efficiency, and total sales growth that affect the profitability of
companies in the manufacture companies that listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange 2017 to
2019. Samples was selecting using purposive sampling method and the valid data was 241
data. Data processing techniques using multiple regression analysis what helped by SPSS
program (Statistical Product and Service Solution) for windows released 24 and Microsoft
Excel 2007. 7The result of this study inidicate that the firm size and total sales growth have
a positive significant effect on profitability, working capital efficiency have a negative
significant effect on profitability, inventory turnover does not have a significant effect on
the profitability. The implication of this study is the need to increase total sales, inventory,
firm size and working capital toincrease profitability which will bring a good signal for
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