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Paskalia Tri Kurniati


About 9% of maternal deaths are due to complications during pregnancy, childbirth and after delivery. The cause of maternal death was bleeding 30.1%, hypertension 26.9%, infection 5.6%, abortion 1.6%, prolonged labor 1.8% and others 34.5%. Data obtained at the Ade Mohammad Djoen Regional Hospital for the last 3 years has seen an increase in cases of prolonged labor. In 2017 there were 37 cases, in 2018 there were 39 cases, and in 2019 there were 48 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between maternal age, parity and birth weight with the incidence of non-progressive labor. The research method is quantitative analytic with cross sectional design, using a retropective approach. The results of this study showed a relationship between maternal age and the incidence of prolonged labor with (p value = 0.008 (p <0.05) and an OR value of 2,250, which means that the age of mothers who gave birth who was <20 years or> 35 years had a risk of developing non-progressive labor 2,250. There is a relationship between parity and the incidence of underdeveloped labor (p value = 0.026 (p <0.05) with an OR value of 1.977, which means parity with the number of deliveries 1 or> 3 has a risk of developing non-progressive labor by 1.977 times. Between the birth weight and the incidence of non-progressive labor with (p value = 0.040 (p <0.05) with an OR value of 1.953, which means that the birth weight at risk >4000 grams has a 1.953 times greater risk of developing prolonged labor. This needs to increase service innovation in dealing with emergencies of underdeveloped labor, one of which is through early screening steps with antenatal care so that cases of prolonged labor can be prevented.


Keywords              : birth weight; Prolonged labor; maternal age; parity



Sekitar 9% kematian maternal akibat komplikasi selama kehamilan, persalinan dan setelah persalinan. Penyebab kematian ibu perdarahan 30,1%, hipertensi 26,9%, infeksi 5,6%, abortus 1,6%, partus tak maju 1,8% dan lain-lain 34,5%. Data yang diperoleh di RSUD Ade Mohammad Djoen selama 3 tahun terakhir terjadi peningkatan kasus partus tak maju. Tahun 2017 ada 37 kasus, tahun 2018 ada 39 kasus, dan tahun 2019 menjadi 48 kasus.  Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui Hubungan Usia Ibu Bersalin, Paritas dan Berat Bayi Lahir dengan Kejadian Partus Tak Maju. Metode Penelitian adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional, menggunakan pendekatan retropektif. Hasil penelitian ini ada hubungan usia ibu bersalin dengan kejadian partus tak maju dengan (p value = 0,008 (p < 0,05) dan nilai OR 2,250 yang berarti usia ibu bersalin yang <20 Tahun atau >35 tahun mempunyai resiko terjadinya partus tak maju 2,250 kali lebih besar. Ada hubungan paritas dengan kejadian partus tak maju dengan (p value = 0,026 (p < 0,05) dengan nilai OR 1,977 yang artinya paritas dengan jumlah persalinan 1 atau >3  mempunyai resiko terjadinya partus tak maju 1,977 kali. Ada hubungan antara berat bayi lahir dengan kejadian partus tak maju dengan (p value = 0,040 (p < 0,05) dengan nilai OR 1,953 yang artinya berat bayi lahir yang beresiko >4000 gram  mempunyai resiko terjadinya partus tak maju 1,953 kali lebih besar. Saran dalam penelitian ini perlu meningkatkan inovasi pelayanan dalam menangani kegawatdaruratan partus tak maju salah satunya melalui langkah penapisan sejak awal dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan sehingga kasus partus tak maju dapat dicegah.

Article Details

Author Biography

Paskalia Tri Kurniati, STIKes Kapuas Raya

Dosen Prodi D-III Kebidanan, STIKes Kapuas Raya


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