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Michael Chen
David Limanan
Eny Yulianti
Frans Ferdinal


Hypoxia can increase ROS and trigger oxidative stress that can affect the heart. The body has an antioxidants defense system to prevent oxidative stress, one of glutathione (GSH). Antioxidants can also come from secondary plant metabolites such as fig leaves (Ficus auriculata). However, there is still very little research on the effect of giving Ficus auriculata on GSH. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of antioxidant fig leaves on GSH rats that induced by chronic systemic hypoxia. This research was in vivo experimental, using Sprague Dawley rats which were divided into 8 groups (n=4), namely four groups were given fig leaf extract (14days) thick dose (300mg/KgBW) and four were given a dilute dose (150mg/KgBW). Extract of fig leaves using maceration method with ethanol. After being given fig leaf extract, the thick and dilute groups were further divided into normoxia, hypoxia (8%O2, 92%N2) 1, 3, and 7 days. At the end of the study, the experimental animals were anesthetized, and the heart are taken. Measurement of GSH levels using the Ellman method. The results showed a significant decrease (Mann-Whitney, p<0.05) levels of GSH in the heart of rats in the thick and dilute dose groups induced by hypoxia for 3 and 7 days when compared to controls. GSH levels were found to be higher in the thick dose group because its action in eliminating free radicals was assisted by antioxidants contained in fig leaf extract. It can be concluded that the administration of fig leaf extract can help GSH work in dealing with free radicals caused by hypoxia.


Keywords: Fig leaves (Ficus auriculata); Glutathione (GSH); Hypoxia; Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS); Heart



Hipoksia dapat meningkatkan ROS dan mencetuskan keadaan stres oksidatif yang dapat merusak organ, termasuk jantung. Tubuh memiliki sistem pertahanan antioksidan untuk mencegah stres oksidatif, salah satunya glutation (GSH). Antioksidan juga dapat berasal dari metabolit sekunder tumbuhan seperti daun ara (Ficus auriculata). Akan tetapi masih sangat kurang penelitian mengenai pengaruh pemberian antioksidan eksogen (ekstrak Ficus auriculata) terhadap antioksidan endogen (GSH) ini. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh antioksidan daun ara terhadapat GSH pada tikus yang diinduksi hipoksia sistemik kronik. Penelitian eksperimental in vivo terhadap hewan coba Sprague Dawley yang dibagi menjadi 8 kelompok (n=4), yaitu 4 kelompok yang diberi ekstrak daun ara (14 hari) dosis kental (300 mg/KgBB) dan 4 diberi dosis encer (150 mg/KgBB). Ekstrak daun ara dengan metode maserasi menggunakan etanol. Setelah diberikan ekstrak daun ara, keempat kelompok yang diberi dosis kental dan encer tersebut dibagi lagi menjadi kelompok normoksia, hipoksia (8%O2, 92%N2) 1, 3, dan 7 hari. Diakhir penelitian, hewan coba dianestesi dengan ketamin (75-100mg/kgBB) dan xylazin (5-10mg/kgBB), dan diambil organ jantungnya.  Pengukuran kadar GSH jantung dengan metode Ellman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penurunan bermakna (Mann-whitney, p<0.05) kadar GSH jantung tikus pada kelompok dosis kental maupun encer yang diinduksi hipoksia 3 dan 7 hari bila dibandingkan kontrol. Kadar GSH didapatkan lebih tinggi pada kelompok dosis kental karena kerjanya dalam mengeliminasi radikal bebas dibantu oleh antioksidan yang terdapat dalam ekstrak daun ara. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun ara dapat membantu kerja GSH dalam menghadapi radikal bebas akibat hipoksia.

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