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Six Finish Wella
Chairy Chairy


Kepedulian terhadap lingkungan dan dampak sosialnya terhadap bisnis telah menjadi isu utama di berbagai organisasi saat ini. Pelanggan telah semakin sadar dan menghendaki produk yang ramah lingkungan. Karenanya, banyak perusahaan yang kemudian berusaha memenuhi keinginan konsumen dengan menerapkan sustainability marketing. Namun demikian tidak semua perusahaan peduli dengan isu ini. Beberapa perusahaan menggunakan sustainability marketing sekedar untuk meningkatkan pendapatan perusahaan. Artikel ini membahas lebih lanjut tentang sustainability marketing, tipe perusahaan dari sisi komitmen dan gaya komunikasinya, dan relevansi sustainability marketing sebagai alat pemasaran dalam situasi bisnis yang tidak pasti karena pandemi Covid-19. Lebih lanjut, Covid-19 telah mengubah perilaku konsumen dalam kaitannya dengan belanja online dan kesadaran akan isu sosial dan lingkungan atas produk yang dikonsumsi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, artikel ini memperlihatkan efektivitas sustainability marketing. Dengan mengadopsi sustainability marketing banyak perusahaan tidak hanya akan berhasil melewati masa sulit karena pandemi Covid-19 namun juga akan memenangkan persaingan di masa depan. 


Nowadays, environmental concerns and its social impacts on business have become major issues in most of organizations. Customers have become more aware and demand for more environmentally friendly products from companies. Therefore, many companies have been trying to answer the demand by using sustainability marketing in running the business. However, not all companies are concerned about the issues. Some of them only using green and sustainability concept as a tool to increase their revenue. The object of this research is sustainability marketing. Specifically, this article explores more about sustainability marketing, types of companies in terms of their commitment and communications related to sustainability marketing, and the relevance of sustainability marketing as a marketing tool in this uncertainty situation due to Covid-19 pandemic. The subject of this research is two big companies in Indonesia. Further, Covid-19 pandemic has changed consumer behavior in terms of online buying and awareness of environmental and social issues about products they consume. Using qualitative approach, this article shows the effectiveness of sustainability marketing. By adopting sustainability marketing, many organizations will not only survive the Covid-19 pandemic, but also win further competiton.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Six Finish Wella, Universitas Tarumanagara

Program Studi Magister Manajemen

Chairy Chairy, President University


SINTA ID : 6028207



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