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Intar Abimantrana
Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari


Pengembangan pasar pada dunia penerbangan menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi maskapai penerbangan salah satunya maskapai penerbangan PT. XYZ. Salah satu kajian strategi yang penulis teliti mengenai analisis joint venture antara PT. XYZ dan JKL Co., Ltd dengan menggunakan metode revenue sharing. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan analisis joint venture guna mengembangkan pasar sektor Jepang baik dari sisi market share maupun route profitability. Dengan menggunakan formula S. Curve dapat diidentifikasi potensi kenaikan market share bagi kedua maskapai penerbangan dan selanjutnya dapat dihitung route profitability dengan mempertimbangkan capacity share dan rata-rata tarif baru. Market share bagi kedua maskapai pada rute DPS-NRT-DPS meningkat 16,56%, dan pada rute CGK-KIX-CGK meningkat 66,51%, sementara pada rute DPS-KIX-DPS market share meningkat 23,08%, disisi lain market share pada rute CGK-HND-CGK menurun 7,83%. Hasil route profitability untuk 4 tahun mendatang yang menunjukkan peningkatan yang cukup signifikan setelah penyesuaian terhadap nilai rata-rata tarif yang baru dan capacity share. Dengan demikian strategi joint venture antara PT. XYZ dan JKL Co., Ltd dapat direkomendasikan untuk penjajakan lebih lanjut.


Market development in the aviation world is a challenge for airlines, one of which is PT. XYZ One study of the strategies that the author carefully regarding the analysis of a joint venture between PT. XYZ and JKL Co., Ltd using revenue sharing methods. This study aims to provide a joint venture analysis to develop the Japanese sector market both in terms of market share and route profitability. By using the S. Curve formula, it can be identified the potential increase in market share for the two airlines and then route profitability can be calculated by considering the capacity share and the new average rate. Market share for the two airlines on the DPS-NRT-DPS route increased by 16.56%, and on the CGK-KIX-CGK route increased by 66.51%, while on the DPS-KIX-DPS route the market share increased by 23.08%, on the other hand market share on the CGK-HND-CGK route decreased by 7.83%. The route profitability results for the next 4 years show a significant increase after adjusting the new average rate and capacity share. Thus the joint venture strategy between PT. XYZ and JKL Co., Ltd can be recommended for further exploration.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Intar Abimantrana, Universitas Tarumanagara

Magister Manajemen, Universitas Tarumanagara

Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari, Universitas Tarumanagara

Magister Manajemen, Universitas Tarumanagara


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