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Pertumbuhan co-working space yang semakin waktu semakin cepat mengaharuskan pelaku usaha co-working space untuk membangun brand awareness. Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space sebagai tempat yang menyediakan layanan café beserta co-working space masih belum dapat membangun brand awareness co-working space yang dimilikinya dengan baik. Hal ini membuat peneliti melakukan penelitian yang berjudul “Tahapan Pembentukan Brand Awareness Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space sebagai Co-working Space”, yaitu sebuah penelitian deskriptif denga jenis data kualitatif yang berfokus untuk mengetahui tahapan pembentukan brand awareness co-working space yang dilakukan oleh Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Bagaimana Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space menarik perhatian dari konsumen kepada co-working space yang dimilikinya ,(2) Bagaimana Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space membangun pemahaman dari konsumen kepada co-working space yang dimilikinya, dan (3) Bagaimana Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space menciptakan daya ingat dari konsumen kepada co-working space yang dimilikinya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan antara lain observasi partisipasi moderat, wawancara mendalam, dan studi pustaka. Teknik validitas data menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa: (1) Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space menarik perhatian konsumen terhadap co-working space melalui media sosial Instagram, penyelenggaraan acara, dan community partnership, (2) Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space membangun pemahaman dari konsumen terhadap co-working space dengan patuh menggunakan guidelines dalam mengunggah konten ke Instagram, penyelenggaraan acara dengan berbagai macam tema secara rutin, dan membangun pengalaman serta makna eat, connect, share, and explore, dan (3) Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space menciptakan daya ingat dari konsumen terhadap co-working space dengan membangun citra yang baik dan memenuhi kepuasan konsumen.
The growth of co-working spaces, which is getting faster and faster, requires co-working space entrepreneurs to build brand awareness. Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space as a place that provides café services along with co-working spaces has not been able to build brand awareness of its co-working space properly. This led the researcher to conduct a research entitled "Stages in Establishing Brand Awareness of Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space as Co-working Space", which is a descriptive study using qualitative data that focuses on identifying the stages of establishing brand awareness of co-working space carried out by Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space. This study aims to determine (1) How Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space attracts attention from consumers to its co-working space, (2) How Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space builds understanding from consumers to co-working spaces owned, and (3) How Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space creates memory from consumers to the co-working space it owns. Data collection techniques used include moderate participation observation, in-depth interviews, and literature study. The data validity technique used source triangulation. The results of this study reveal that: (1) Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space attracts consumer attention to co-working space through social media Instagram, organizing events, and community partnerships, (2) Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space builds Consumers' understanding of co-working spaces adhering to the guidelines for uploading content to Instagram, organizing events with various themes on a regular basis, and building experiences and the meaning of eat, connect, share, and explore, and (3) Lo.Ka.Si Coffee and Space creates the memory of consumers on co-working spaces by building a good image and fulfilling customer satisfaction.
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