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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memprediksi repurchase intention melalui s-commerce cues (reliability dan responsiveness) dan customer satisfaction sebagai variabel mediasi. Sebanyak 155 responden yang dapat digunakan pada penelitian ini. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) dengan software berupa SmartPLS. Dalam penelitian ini, reliability dan customer satisfaction dapat memprediksi secara positif serta signifikan pada repurchase intention, namun responsiveness dapat memprediksi secara positif repurchase intention, namun tidak signifikan. Reliability dan responsiveness dapat memprediksi secara positif dan signifikan customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction juga dapat memediasi reliability dan responsiveness pada repurchase intention. Melalui penelitian ini, s-commerce dapat mengimplementasikan strategi pemasaran dengan memperhatikan reliability, responsiveness, dan customer satisfaction yang dapat meningkatkan repurchase intention.
This study is to shows how customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between s-commerce (social commerce) cues (i.e. reliability and responsiveness) and repurchase intention. Data was collected, where 155 respondents can be used for this study. The hypothesis testing used in this study is Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) analysis with SmartPLS software. The study shows that reliability and customer satisfaction has positive and significant effect on repurchase intention, but responsiveness has been found not significant, but has positive effect on repurchase intention. Reliability and responsiveness has been found positive and significant on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction has been found can mediate reliability and responsiveness toward repurchase intention. From this study, s-commerce can implement their marketing strategies through reliability, responsiveness and customer satisfaction that may leads to repurchase intention.
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