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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dari profitabilitas bank syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL). Data yang digunakan adalah data bulanan variabel makroekonomi dan variabel perbankan periode Januari 2006 – Desember 2019. Variabel makroekonomi yang digunakan adalah Industrial Production Index, Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhdap dollar, suku bunga. Sedangkan variabel perbankan yang digunakan adalah Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non Performing Financing, Financing to Deposite Ratio, Biaya Operational dan Pendapatan Operational, serta variabel return on asset. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalam jangka pendek hanya variabel Nilai Tukar, Biaya Operational dan Pendapatan Operational serta Non Performing Financing yang berpengaruh terhadap Return on Asset. Variabel Industrial Production Index, Inflasi, suku bunga, Capital Adequacy Ratio, dan Financing to Deposite Ratio tidak berpengaruh terhadap return on asset dalam jangka pendek. Kemudian dalam jangka panjang hasilnya sama yaitu hanya variabel Nilai Tukar, Biaya Operational dan Pendapatan Operational serta Non Performing Financing yang berpengaruh terhadap Return on Asset. Variabel Industrial Production Index, Inflasi, suku bunga, Capital Adequacy Ratio, dan Financing to Deposite Ratio juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap return on asset dalam jangka panjang. Variabel nilai tukar merupakan variabel yang paling berpengaruh dalam jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang terhadap profitabilitas of Islamic bank. Dengan demikian penelitian ini diharapkan bisa membantu perbankan syariah dalam menganalisa faktor yang mempengaruhi profitabilitas perbankan syariah di Indonesia.
The purpose of this research is to find out the determinant factors that the growth of Islamic bank profitability in Indonesia. This research uses a quantitative approach with the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method. The data used is monthly data of macroeconomic variables and banking variables for the period January 2006 – December 2019. Macroeconomic variables used are the Industrial Production Index, Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate with the dollar, interest rate. While the banking variables used are Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non-Performing Financing, Financing to Deposit Ratio, Operational Cost and Operational Income, as well as variable return on assets. The result of this study is that in the short term only variable Exchange Rates, Operational Costs, and Operational Income and Non-Performing Financing affect Return on Assets. Variable Industrial Production Index, Inflation, interest rates, Capital Adequacy Ratio, and Financing to Deposite Ratio have no effect on return on assets in the short term. Then in the long run the result is the same is that only variable Exchange Rates, Operational Costs, and Operational Income and Non-Performing Financing affect the return on assets. Variable Industrial Production Index, Inflation, interest rates, Capital Adequacy Ratio, and Financing to Deposite Ratio also have no effect on return on assets in the long term. Exchange rate variables are the most influential variables in the short and long term on the profitability of Islamic banks. Thus, this research is expected to assist Sharia banking in analyzing factors that affect the profitability of Sharia banking in Indonesia.
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