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Yenita Fransiska
Noeratri Andanwerti
Nikki Indah Andraini


National economic recovery after COVID-19 crisis, DKI Jakarta has a chance to recover the economy in the hospitality and tourism sector since DKI Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, is a center of government and international business to create an opportunity to attract tourists to visit DKI Jakarta since tourism’s sector, of course, can not be separated from the importance of accommodation provision along with adequate facilities through an innovative strategy of tourism accommodation. Planning of the supporting accommodation facilities will surely attract tourists to visit the site. Especially in the middle of Jakarta, which is known for its high activities, making lots of businesspeople do a business trip. The Akmani Hotel is a business hotel. Since they have located in the middle of Jakarta a busy city, the location around The Akmani Hotel is also occupied by other hotels as a competitor. Therefore, The Akmani Hotel is for sure should be able to show something as excellence, advantage, and differentiator from other hotels. This can be supported by good service, and complete and supporting facilities such as lighting which is an important part of an interior to support an activity in a room and create an appropriate and comfortable room atmosphere for users.

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