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Tanjungpinang City to develop Penyengat Island tourism which has a variety of tourism potentials: history. Color is an important part of visual identity. According to Bappelitbang Tanjungpinang City, currently, the tourism promotion media of Penyengat Island does not have good uniformity in visual identity, especially the use of color and typography. The purpose of the study is to produce visual identity, especially color aspects to be implemented in the promotional media of Penyengat Island. The research method used the descriptive qualitative method. The problem is limited to the aspect of color as a visual identity, which is a prominent aspect of the local culture of Pulau Penyengat. Visual analysis in this study uses color exploration using Adobe Photoshop software to get colors according to the desired palette. The result obtained from this study is the color palette is the visual identity of Penyengat Island to be implemented in the design of tourism promotion media.
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