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Raja Oloan Tumanggor
Carolus Suharyanto


This study analyzes the application of ethical theory in psychology as a discipline and profession. The definition of ethics and several schools of ethical theory such as virtue ethics, deontological ethics, and utilitarian ethics in psychology are explained. Every branch of psychology such as experimental psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, counseling, therapist psychology, etc. always deals with ethical issues in every decision making. For this reason, psychologists and psychological scientists need to be equipped with a correct understanding of ethics and ethical theories that underlie every action in carrying out their profession. According to the ethics of virtue, the main principle in behavior is the character and virtues that a person has. Meanwhile, deontological ethical theory emphasizes a person's obligation to act, regardless of all the rules and consequences of these actions. Meanwhile, utilitarianism emphasizes the usefulness and benefits of one's actions. By using a qualitative method based on literature studies (literature) analyzed the basic understanding (etymology), philosophical basis, and the peculiarities of each of these normative ethical theories and their relation to the science and profession of psychology.

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