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Raja Oloan Tumanggor
Niken Widi Astuti


Currently there is environmental damage that results in climate change. This environmental damage cannot be separated from the impact of human behavior that does not support the preservation and maintenance of the environment. Communities living in urban areas have greater challenges because the lifestyle and behavior of its citizens affect their own survival. Residents of urban communities, especially youth, have an important role in maintaining the surrounding environment because they are the main actors and policy makers in the future. Therefore, reforming the pro-environmental behavior of adolescents needs serious attention since they are still in school, so that their survival can go well. This study aims to look at the relationship between spiritual well-being and pro-environmental behavior of urban youth. Spiritual well-being is a condition for creating a dynamic and harmonious bond within a person with himself, others, the environment and God. In the meantime, engaging in actions that support the environment represents an individual's initiative to safeguard the natural world and reduce actions that could harm it. The primary focus of the research comprised 62 adolescents and young adults, aged 13 to 21, who reside in urban areas. This demographic was selected due to their prominent role as students and potential future leaders responsible for shaping society.  The spiritual well-being they adhere to plays an important role in shaping the pro-environmental behavior of youth. Using a quantitative method, this study used the Spiritual Health and Life-Orientation Measure (SHALOM) from Fisher, and General Ecological Behavior (GEB) from Kaiser Wilson. The data collected was then analyzed by correlation test. Through the correlation test, the correlation coefficient was obtained r = 0.402 with a significance of p = 0.000 p <0.01. This means that there is a significant positive relationship between spiritual well-being and pro-environmental behavior among urban youth. The higher the spiritual well-being, the higher the pro-environmental behavior of urban youth. 

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