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Febriani Andika Putri


This study aims to evaluate the correlation between loneliness and quality of life. Loneliness causes individuals to experience physical and psychological impacts. The physical impact of loneliness is the emergence of various diseases, and the psychological impact of individuals who experience loneliness are stress, anxiety, feelings of lack of social support, sadness, hopelessness, to increased symptoms of depression (Hawkley & Cacioppo, 2010). The study of loneliness among students is crucial, considering the impact of academic loneliness experienced by students will reduce their quality of life and interfere with their achievement (Rauschenberg et al., 2020). This research is quantitative research conducted on 184 colleagues from various universities in Indonesia. Spearman Rho's analysis described the correlation between loneliness and quality of life. The result showed a significant relationship between loneliness and quality of life with r (184) = -0.348, p <0.05. The results showed that loneliness had a significant relationship with quality of life. Students with moderate and severe depression symptoms experience greater loneliness, which may substantially decrease their quality of life. On the contrary, decreasing loneliness will improve the quality of life for students with depression symptoms. The result also found that female students were lonelier than males.

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