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Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Zamralita Zamralita


This research aims to examine whether there is an effect of job insecurity on organization-based self-esteem (OBSE), and the effect of perceived organizational support as a moderator variable. The theory used in this study is organization-based self-esteem (OBSE), which its definition is an organization member’s evaluation of their abilities in their role in the organization, job insecurity which its definition is an employee's concern about the future of their job which is being endangered, and perceived organizational support which is the organization member’s belief about the company’s treatment in providing support to its employees. A sample of 116 employees of PT X was taken by non-probability sampling techniques. The instruments used included the OBSE scale adopted from the organization-based self-esteem scale, an adaptation of the job insecurity scale, and perceived organizational support adapted from a shortened version of SPOS. The analysis method used is structural equation modeling (SEM) by using LISREL 8.70. The outcomes of the hypothesis test showed the consequence of qualitative job insecurity on OBSE, however, there is no moderation effect of perceived organizational support toward the relation between job insecurity and OBSE. So, whatever the company does to support its employees, it seems that it will be in vain if there is still job insecurity felt by employees. Therefore, the company must first carry out a strategy that focuses on restoring the sense of job security of its employees.

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