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Adhi Darmasaputro
Riana Sahrani
Raja Oloan Tumanggor


Social support has a positive relationship with school-related subjective well-being. At the same time, adaptability is the ability of students to accept academic performance, positive attitudes toward school, and involvement with the school environment, which also influence school-related subjective well-being. This study explores the role of social support and adaptability in shaping subjective well-being related to school in X High School students. Data were collected through a questionnaire from 206 students selected through random cluster sampling. This study used a non-experimental quantitative research design, with data analysis carried out using SPSS 26. The study found that social support and adaptability were significant factors in developing subjective well-being related to school, with high school-related subjective well-being and adaptability scores and moderate social support scores reported by the students. Male and female students had significant differences in mean school-related adaptability and well-being scores, but not in social support scores. Students with good economic status had higher mean scores of adaptability and subjective well-being related to school compared to those with moderate economic status, but there were no significant differences in social support scores. Bullying experience did not have a significant effect on social support, adaptability, and school-related subjective well-being scores. Lastly, social support and adaptability were positively correlated with school-related subjective well-being.

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