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Nurul Husna
Adhwa Umniyyah Danur Irkas
Felix Amadeus
P. Tommy Y.S. Suyasa


Organizational trust in performance cannot stand alone, meaning that it is not the only important component that plays a role in improving employee performance. there are still other important components that play a significant role in improving employee performance, namely the personal component (individual attributes). One of the personal components that is assumed to mediate the relationship between the two variables is emotion regulation. This variable is needed by journalists in carrying out their duties. This study aims to determine the role of organizational trust in performance directly or indirectly when mediated by emotional regulation and self-efficacy. Emotion regulation is a form of a person's control over his emotions while self-efficacy determines how people feel, think, motivate themselves and their behavior. Therefore, this study was conducted to test the hypothesis regarding organizational trust in employee performance with emotion regulation and self-efficacy as mediators. The instrument for measuring performance variables in this study uses the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ). The instrument for measuring organizational trust variables uses the Organizational Trust Instrument. The emotional regulation measurement tool used in this study is the Emotional Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ). The self-efficacy measure used in this study is the occupational self-efficacy. The number of participants in this study were 130 employees who were journalists at PT X located in Jakarta. The results of the study show that there is a significant effect of organizational trust on performance, but the effect is greater when the relationship between organizational trust and performance is mediated by emotional regulation and self-efficacy.

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