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Bella Christine
Devira Andriani
Femmie Cynthia


Social inequality is one of the main problems in the Indonesian economy. The level of wealth in Indonesia has experienced significant growth. However, this growth has left wealth inequality virtually unchanged. Social inequality can create certain impacts on society. Therefore, as a state, Indonesia has rights and obligations to protect its citizens, one of them is regarding social inequality. The purpose of this paper is to find out how is the state's protection of society regarding social inequality according to positive law in Indonesia and what has been done by the Indonesian government in an effort to protect the welfare of Indonesian citizens. The research method used is normative legal research with statutory approach. The data collection technique used is through the literature on legal materials related to the object of research, such as statutory regulations, books, doctrines and legal journals related to the topic of research. The state, according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, has the responsibility through the government to overcome the social inequalities by creating and improving social welfare in Indonesia. The government has created several efforts to improve people welfare such as Child Welfare Protection, developing a social security system and empowering the poor, as well as providing health services and public service facilities for the people of Indonesia.

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