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Ratu Siti Annisa


The COVID-19 pandemic has presented nurses with various challenges, such as high workloads and difficult working conditions. To face these challenges, service-oriented citizenship behavior is needed. To overcome these challenges, service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior is necessary. Employees with service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior will show broad job development, can gather more resources, and feel more enthusiastic about engaging in activities outside their work roles (Bavik et al., 2017; Demerouti et al., 2015). There are several other factors that are related to service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior in nurses, such as job crafting, gratitude, and organizational trust. This study aims to examine the relationship between job crafting, gratitude, organizational trust, and service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. This is a quantitative study conducted through non-experimental methods and a survey of 166 research subjects. Using regression analysis, this study found that job crafting (β) = 0.288, gratitude (β) = 0.337, and organizational trust (β) = 0.171 are positively related to service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior with an R square of 0.407. Based on the hypothesis test conducted, it was found that job crafting, gratitude, and organizational trust have a significant positive relationship with service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior.

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