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Kurnia Setiawan


Indonesian is known as a country that has many ethnic groups with different cultural characteristics. These differences often lead to conflicts that take lives and material casualties. The diversity of ethnicities in Indonesia causes each ethnicity to have a different lifeworld. Different lifeworlds lead to different identities. İnaç and Ünal (2013) state that there are two types of identity, namely granted identity and gain identity. Both of these identities are obtained automatically because they come from the family, and there are identities that each individual needs to work on. An attitude of multiculturalism is needed to understand the differences in culture, ethnicity and various identities. This attitude can grow through the influence of the environment and certain conditions. In addition, it also requires a critical attitude and mature understanding, moreover awareness of the self-identity that each individual has. For this reason, this research will look at how ethnic identity and multicultural attitudes are portrayed by students in Jakarta? Five ethnic Chinese students were selected as participants. The research was conducted using qualitative methods. Data collection through in-depth interviews. The results of the study show that participants understand their identity which is different from other Indonesian ethnic identities, for that they express the need for tolerance and cooperation in everyday life. Collaboration is carried out in organizational activities and hobby communities. Their positive attitude about multicultural Indonesia can be seen as the uniqueness and superiority of Indonesian society.

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