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Dewi Sakaji Sunartio
Aghastya Wiyoso


Indonesia is an agricultural country that has vast agricultural land, diverse and abundant natural resources. although Japanese strawberry seeds are not native to Indonesia, their development is good in agriculture, agro-industry, and agro-tourism. Strawberries can grow and produce well in climatic conditions such as in Indonesia (Saroinsong et al., 2012) (Mappanganro, 2013). Generation Z and Alpha should be made aware of the importance of agriculture. Elementary school children aged 7-12 years still lack educational knowledge about agriculture. (Nancy Oktayajati, Srie Julie Rachmwati, 2020). Companies or agencies view and utilize book media as an effective means for advertising promotion, and marketing products, tourist attractions, and improving image. Design method with design thinking which consists of (Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, Test). Design Thinking is a thinking concept in finding ideas that have become popular with many people in the past few years that promotion through the media of illustrated books is the right choice because they can promote products and tourist attractions to children 7-12 years old. According to Nurgiyantoro (2015) picture story books can help children to learn about the world, good community life, help about other people, can learn to behave and behave verbally and non-verbally. One of them is by utilizing the media of story books, educational illustrations and promotions, such as by including illustrations of picking tourist locations and interesting and different products to make them more recognizable and easy to remember for the target age group of 7-12 years.

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