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Agoes Dariyo
Raja Oloan Tumanggor


Suicide is a serious problem faced by all countries in the world, including Indonesia. Suicide is an expression of someone venting anger, annoyance, revenge or disappointment in other people, but by injuring, hurting and even killing oneself to death. Suicide occurs because a person has severe depression, so he decides to end his life. This study aims to identify and analyze suicidal behavior in a group of people who are proven to have died from suicide. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques from secondary data obtained by downloading online media news in Indonesia. Data retrieval is limited to media coverage in 2023 which informs of 18 suicide cases. The data analysis technique uses a thematic approach based on Sigmund Freud's classic psychoanalytic theory. The results of the research show that various life problems are pressed into the subconscious, until then they are no longer able to bear the burdens of life, so they vent their emotions by committing suicide. Suicidal people are experiencing major depression triggered by specific events, such as parental divorce, financial difficulties, parent-child interaction conflicts, academic stress, bullying, romance, and unidentified personal problems. The perpetrators committed suicide by hanging themselves, setting themselves on fire, sleeping on the tracks to get run over by a train, injuring themselves with sharp weapons, and dropping themselves from a high place.

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