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When the COVID-19 pandemic occurred, many things changed from people's daily lives. One of the things that has changed is employees who are forced to work from home or work from home (WFH). The implementation of WFH by many companies makes employees have to adapt to the challenges brought about by these changes. This study aims to understand the effect of the work-family interface (WFI) on workplace well-being (WWB). The participants in this study were 129 employees of company X who were located in Indonesia and implemented WFH during the COVID-19 pandemic. The measurement tool used is from Kinnunen et al. (2006) which consists of 4 dimensions, namely work-family conflict (WFC), family-work conflict (FWC), work-family enrichment (WFE), and family-work enrichment (FWE). The WWB measurement tool used is from Hyett and Parker (2014) which consists of 4 dimensions, namely work satisfaction, organization respect, employer care, and intrusion of work. The results of this study show that WFI has proven to influence WWB. This means that positive dimensions (enrichment) such as WFE and FWE can increase participant WWB (R2: WFE→ WWB= .383, FWE→ WWB= .152). Conversely, negative dimensions (conflict) such as work-family conflict (WFC) and family-work conflict (FWC) can reduce participants' WWB levels (R2: WFC→ WWB= .196, FWC→ WWB= .126). Therefore, it is important for employees to maintain WWB by increasing enrichment and reducing conflict.

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