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Eddy Supriyatna Marizar


The number of free radicals in the city of Jakarta is increasing along with the increase in air pollution caused by vehicle activity, factory and cigarette smoke, and so on. With age, the body's strength against free radicals will decrease. Skin care is a support for the condition of skin integrity, to maximize an appearance and change the condition of the skin. Erha is a brand from Indonesia which has now developed into a skin specialist clinic that provides a variety of skin health products and services. Recently the Erha clinic held the "Erha Start to Change" program, which is a program carried out as an effort to reduce the effects of global warming, where customers return empty product packaging for recycling. To support this program, an interior design idea emerged at the Erha clinic which would apply aspects of green design to be in line with the program and could also be an effort to reduce the impact of global warming. This design uses a modern naturalist concept which gives the impression of a modern space, but still looks and feels a natural and natural atmosphere. The design is done by looking for a layout that will be designed first. Next, enter into programming using literature studies and field studies. The design will be presented by showing the results of applying design studies to the presentation drawings.

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