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Bonar Hutapea
Salwa Divani Tausi


A Machiavellian can persuade people, but his connotation is more in the negative sense. They do it merely for their own benefit. Machiavellianism has allegedly been found in various contexts, such as politics, business, and organization, including education. Among others, spoofing, using writing without the owner’s permission, and plagiarism are commonly done. This can be serious because this behavior will harm others. Through this study, literature related to Machiavellianism in the educational setting of 20 pieces will be studied. This review will be done using the PRISMA guide. The research samples typically consist of school students and university students with an age range of 20 to 40 years. The results of the review found that Machiavellianism influenced most of the problematic behavior that exists in the educated world. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a source of knowledge and the basis for developing interventions so that Machiavellianism does not ruin the world of education.

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