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Jap Elizabeth Tanata
Eddy Supriyatna Marizar


The Rehabilitation Center for Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH in Indonesia) is a forum that coordinates and implements social, vocational, and medical therapy initiatives for ABH children. Due to a lack of public awareness regarding the psychological, behavioral, and physical health of perverted children and adolescents, there are insufficient resources and locations for rehabilitation and assistance. Rehabilitating children and adolescents commonly experience anxiety and despair during the process. In order to construct facilities for coaching and rehabilitation, both their physical and psychological health are taken into account. This research tries to discover and exceed the physical and mental needs of children and adolescents. Using descriptive qualitative techniques and the Kilmer design method, primary and secondary data are gathered for this study. The design incorporates various components, including color, line, shape, lighting, decoration, greenery, and calming acoustics. It is also assessed to see if it is appropriate for the rehabilitation process in the treatment area, consultation room, and other locations that can assist the rehabilitation process and provide a space where children and adolescents can develop physically and psychologically.

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