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Griselda Artha Daeli
Audreya Christine
Riyadh Akbar
Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi


Primary school students aged 9-10 years or grade IV of primary school are generally fluent in reading. However, there are still students who are not fluent in reading at elementary school X in Sijuk village. For this reason, the researcher conducted a study with the aim of knowing the effectiveness of reading fluency through a game intervention model. The intervention model used is in the form of game media such as picture cards, hand puppets, and letter alphabet boards arranged for 7 meetings. This study used a quantitative approach, namely the quasi-experimental method with a research design (one group pretest-posttest design) on 3 elementary school students in Sijuk village. The data collection technique in this study used a measuring instrument called the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA). the number of participants who took part in the pretest was 8 students of SDN 01 Sijuk village aged 9-10 years. In the implementation of the intervention 5 students did not attend regularly, and when the posttest was carried out only 3 students. The EGRA test consists of 7 sections, but this study used 6 sections. The sections consist of letter recognition, distinguishing initial sounds, reading groups of letters that are not meaningful, fluency in reading aloud, reading comprehension, and listening comprehension. The data analysis technique used Wilcoxon non-parametric. The results of hypothesis testing show that there is a significant difference between pretest and posttest scores, which means that the intervention has an impact on reading fluency. Thus it can be concluded that the intervention is effective.

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