The Effect of Natural Material Implementation on The Experience of All-Day Dining Visitors

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Stephanie Winona Artine
Anastasia Cinthya Gani
Fabianus Kusumadinata


As a big city, Jakarta is full of hard-working workers who carry out various activities. Affects the stress level of the community. This requires a place to rest between routines. B. During lunch break. A full-day meal as a restaurant can be a place to provide a comfortable environment for a moment of rest and reduce stress levels during meals. Natural materials as one of the interior elements create a healthy and comfortable environment for visitors. The purpose of this study is to understand the natural ingredients and their impact on the visitor's daily eating experience. Kilmer's method is used to collect and analyze data and evaluate the finished design. The natural materials used in everyday cooking are wood, natural stone and metal used in floors, walls, ceilings and furniture. The color of the material also helps to shape the atmosphere of the room. The effect of using natural materials is to warm the space, help the psychological state of the visitor, and create a comfortable environment where comfort is a priority. Therefore, the all-day dining environment is a place of tranquility and can reduce the stress level of the visitor.

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